Our Articles
If you ever needed an example of irony and gall all in one package, look no further than Tampa Electric Company (TECO) in Florida.
The recent bankruptcy of Colorado-based Westmoreland Coal Company offers powerful insight into the bleak future for thermal coal mining in the United States, part
Our country has reached an amazing energy milestone, one that was made possible by thousands of local victories along the way, victories that just keep coming.
“Ain’t no power like the power of the people, ’cause the power of the people don’t stop! Say what?”
Donald Trump’s haphazard legal approach to revive the coal industry has so far been a failure.
“We will be known forever by the tracks we leave.” - Dakota___
Today, Nevada Governor Sisolak signed Senate Bill 358 into law, putting the state on a path to a cleaner, greener, and fairer energy future.
WILD ANIMALS ONCE RAN AMONG the acacia trees outside Navinal, one of many small villages hugging the Gulf of Kutch–an inlet on India's northwest coast.
Last year, we made history in Colorado (and the country!) by leveraging our movement for a 100% clean energy future to lock in the retirement of two coal units in