Our Articles

I live in West Virginia, one of the states where residents can now expect more toxic coal pollution in our streams and rivers thanks to a repeal of mining safeguards by the Republican-controlled Co
On June 15, 2015, Alliant Energy committed to phase out coal use at six of its plants in the state, marking the 200th coal plant to retire in the United States since 2010.
During a recent interview, a reporter asked why the Sierra Club’s Beyond Coal campaigners express so much optimism about our ability to win, even as devastating superstorms, tsunamis, and fires spu
Major Clean Air And Clean Energy Victory With Retirement Of NV Energy Coal Plant Friday, May 2, 2014
Sierra Club members, supporters, partners and allies have worked tirelessly to retire 150 coal-fired power plants since January 2010 -- a significant milestone in the campaign to move the country b
We've retired 142 plants so far! What does that mean for our climate, families, and the future?