Press Releases

Friday, April 20, 2018
Southern Company's plan proposes a long-term phase out of coal, but primarily pivots to fracked gas instead of fully transitioning to clean, renewable energy sources like wind and solar.
Thursday, April 19, 2018
Media outlets reported earlier today that the Trump Administration is considering using the Defense Production Act - a relic of the Cold War - to force electricity customers and taxpayers to pay billions of dollars to bailout uneconomic coal and nuclear plants. Despite fierce objections by grid operators, consumer advocates, and business interests, the Trump Administration has continually pursued failed attempts over the past year to interfere in electricity markets in order to prop up dirty and dangerous fossil fuels that can’t compete with cheap clean energy resources like solar, wind and energy efficiency.
Wednesday, April 18, 2018
Richmond, VA -- Today, the American Lung Association released their 2018 State of Air report, with Virginian cities ranking among both the cleanest and most polluted U.S. cities for air pollution. This report was released a day after Virginia state officials from environmental and energy state agencies signed a letter opposing the Environmental Protection Agency’s repeal of the Clean Power Plan.
Wednesday, April 18, 2018
The American Lung Association’s 2018 State of the Air report, released today, gives Shelby County an “F” grade for excessive levels of ozone pollution. Last year, the county got a “D” for ozone, a pollutant that medical experts say is like getting a sunburn on your lungs.
Tuesday, April 17, 2018
Monday afternoon, public health and environmental advocates from across Illinois rallied outside Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) before offering public comments to the Illinois Pollution Control Board (IPCB). Monday’s hearing was the third session where impacted communities have turned out in opposition to proposed changes in state air pollution rules. Up until now, those rules have protected the public against dangerous air pollution. Proposed changes would allow Dynegy-Vistra to keep cheap, dirty plants open while closing cleaner ones, nullifying the Rauner administration’s claim that the move is to “keep plants open” and save jobs. Dynegy has repeatedly pled poverty as a reason for these changes, yet, just this week, they closed on a merger worth $20 billion with Vistra, a Texas-based corporation.
Thursday, April 12, 2018
Donald Trump issued an executive order today ordering the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to recklessly cut short review of clean air permits and reconsider important clean air protections against harmful smog pollution.
Thursday, April 12, 2018
Today, 20 environmental and community organizations delivered a letter to Tennessee Governor Bill Haslam urging him to veto legislation approved by the state House that will significantly weaken protections relating to coal mining in Tennessee.
Monday, April 9, 2018
“Governor Rauner should be demanding worker protections and making sure coal ash clean up isn’t left to taxpayers, rather than helping push backdoor bailouts for these corporations, like the proposed changes to Illinois’ air pollution rules and obstructing stronger coal ash protections. Out of state energy corporations who have no long term commitment to Illinois communities are no longer a good bet for our local economies and it’s time to stop picking up the tab for Rauner’s friends in big coal. Lets invest in Illinois communities, not Texan corporations. Illinois needs sustainable jobs for working families and bold economic development powered by 100% clean energy.”
Wednesday, April 4, 2018
WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today, CNN reports that a memo released by the Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility shows that EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt, embattled among numerous scandals over unethical behavior and questions about corruption, has stripped regional experts of their authority to properly enforce the Clean Water Act in an unprecedented move that will threaten drinking water all over the country.
Sunday, April 1, 2018
FirstEnergy Solutions (FES) -- together with its subsidiaries FirstEnergy Generation and FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company -- announced its bankruptcy last night after years of short-sighted business decisions and executive mismanagement that resisted investing in clean, renewable energy, and its workers. The company now has a serious obligation to protect its workers and their benefits from the bankruptcy process, as well as meet its environmental responsibilities -- particularly if its coal and nuclear power plants are retired or sold.