Press Releases

Monday, June 4, 2018
Today, the Sierra Club challenged the approval by the West Virginia Public Service Commission of an amended power purchase agreement that will allow the dirty and uneconomic Grant Town coal-fired power plant to continue to operate, with West Virginia electric customers bearing the costs.
Friday, June 1, 2018
Wisconsin Public Service (WPS), a subsidiary of WEC Energy Group, and Madison Gas & Electric (MGE) announced that they propose to invest in 300 megawatts (MW) of new solar generation to be built at two sites in Wisconsin: 150MW near Two Rivers, WI and150MW near Dodgeville, WI.
Friday, June 1, 2018
Bloomberg reports that the Trump Administration is considering an order that would force grid operators across the country to buy electricity from failing coal and nuclear plants -- a move Bloomberg categorizes as “unprecedented intervention” into U.S. energy markets and an order that would raise electricity rates for Americans across the country.
Friday, June 1, 2018
Sierra Club and allies have entered into an agreement with Duke Energy Carolinas that will remove barriers to clean energy, decrease greenhouse gas emissions, and bring a $25 million investment in electric vehicle infrastructure that is unprecedented in the Southeast.
Thursday, May 24, 2018
Philadelphia, P.A. — PJM Interconnection, the regional electric grid operator for 13 states including Pennsylvania, announced the results of its capacity auction yesterday. The auction ensures that the region has enough electric generating capacity to keep the lights on in 2021. These results confirm that PJM is continuing a trend of procuring much more generating capacity than is needed for the region. As of now, it exceeds the amount necessary by almost 6 percent, which equates to over 9,300 extra megawatts of excess power, or about 10 large power plants that are unnecessary. This extra capacity artificially adds about $530 million in costs for consumers with little reliability benefit.
Wednesday, May 23, 2018
BOSTON, MA -- The Baker Administration announced today that Vineyard Wind has been selected to construct an 800 megawatt (MW) offshore wind project in federal waters off the coast of Massachusetts. Simultaneously the State of Rhode Island announced it will enter into negotiations with Deepwater Wind to procure 400 MW of offshore wind energy.
Wednesday, May 23, 2018
Diné Citizens Against Ruining Our Environment, Amigos Bravos, San Juan Citizens Alliance, Center for Biological Diversity, and the Sierra Club filed a lawsuit today for an order requiring the EPA to finalize the Four Corners Generating Station’s water pollution permit. The EPA has missed two permitting cycles to update the coal plant’s National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) water pollution permit that was last issued in 2001.
Monday, May 21, 2018
Documentary focuses on the people advancing clean energy from innovation to installation
Thursday, May 17, 2018
All of Dynegy-Vistra’s coal fleet in Southern Illinois can be replaced without damaging the regional stability of Illinois’s electricity grid, and this replacement could save Illinois ratepayers up to $14 billion, according to a report released today by the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) and Sierra Club. The report, prepared by Vibrant Clean Energy (VCE), analyzed the electricity, customer bill, and pollution impacts of closing Dynegy-Vistra’s eight southern and central Illinois power plants. The report contradicts Dynegy-Vistra’s claim that shuttering their Illinois coal fleet would have negative impacts on the state’s power grid that would lead to power outages and consequently require a bailout from the state.
Tuesday, May 15, 2018
Albany, N.Y.— The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) released a draft pollution protection rule today that would place stringent emissions standards on existing power plants. Today’s action is a critical first step to ensure that the state reaches its goal to eliminate 40 percent of New York’s greenhouse gas emissions sector wide by 2030, while protecting New York’s air and water from outdated, dirty, and unnecessary power plants.