Press Releases

The Huffington Post reported new evidence today that the coal industry knew about the long-term, global impacts of its carbon pollution decades ago, and that the industry has proactively scuttled efforts by elected officials, public health groups, and scientists to address the climate crisis despite its awareness of the dangers.
Avista Utilities would commit at least $3 million to assist in economic transition for the community of Colstrip and would no longer support investments that would extend the life of the plant past the end of 2025, under the terms of a proposed settlement in the company’s rate case before the Washington State Utilities and Transportation Commission.
The Trump administration released its Unified Agenda, a timeline of rollbacks it is hoping to achieve by the end of the term. The agenda provides a timeline for finalizing attacks on methane and PFAS pollution protections to the dirty power scam, the clean car standards and public lands protections.
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The Sierra Club’s Executive Director Michael Brune, Attorney General of Connecticut William Tong, Assistant Attorney General of Michigan Peter Manning, and local voices will speak against the Trump Administration’s illegal attempt to erode section 401 of the Clean Water Act during a telepresser the morning of a Senate Environment and Public Works Committee hearing. 
Last night, Governor Gretchen Whitmer signed House Bills 4069, 4465, and Senate Bill 47 which eliminate property tax increases for residential, commercial, and industrial customers who install rooftop solar, moving Michigan one step closer to dismantling a key disincentive for distributed solar. The Michigan House and Senate approved these bills across bipartisan lines in near-unanimous votes.
Late yesterday, the New York Times reported that former coal lobbyist Andrew Wheeler is preparing to significantly limit the scientific and medical research that the government can use as it sets public health safeguards.
A federal judge blocked the 2,000-acre expansion of a coal mine in the wildlands of Colorado’s Gunnison National Forest today, ordering the Trump administration to consider limiting methane emissions and address potential harm to water and fish.
Former coal lobbyist and EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler capitulated twice to his former employers in the coal industry today by rolling back important clean water protections against dumping industrial sludge into our waterways and properly disposing of coal ash.
Former coal lobbyist and EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler announced another rollback of a key water toxics safeguard today -- a move that would allow the vast majority of coal plants across the country to dump their toxic, industrial sludge into the drinking water of millions of Americans.
Today, the Salt Lake County Council passed a resolution establishing a goal of powering the county with 100% clean, renewable electricity by 2030.