Press Releases

Advocates Slam Duke’s Plan to Raise Electric Bills to Prop Up Expensive and Polluting Coal Power Plants
Indianapolis, IN - Today, Duke Energy, the largest electric utility in the state, filed a case with the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission’s (IURC) requesting to raise residential customers’ bills an additional 19% by 2026.If approved, Duke would use its customers' money to keep its massively polluting Gibson and Edwardsport coal-burning power plants open.
press-lee Thu, 2024-04-04 10:54
Coal Community Advocates Applaud New “10-Day Notice” Rule for Strengthening Response to Health, Safety and Pollution Threats
COAL COUNTRY — This morning, the Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement released its final “Ten Day Notice” rule to address how the agency responds to community member complaints about safety, pollution, and other violations at coal mines across the country.
blogs-larisa Thu, 2024-04-04 07:01
Rocky Mountain Power IRP Update Significant Setback for Communities and the Climate
Salt Lake City, UT – On Monday, April 1, PacifiCorp, the parent company of monopoly utility Rocky Mountain Power issued an update to its 2023 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP), doubling down on fossil fuels when decarbonization is urgently needed.
press-amy Wed, 2024-04-03 15:33
Evergy’s Energy Plan Will Harm Missourians by Delaying Coal Retirement and the Necessary Buildout of Renewable Energy
Kansas City, MO - Despite much of the Midwest experiencing the warmest winter on record, Evergy is still dragging its feet on retiring expensive, coal-burning power plants and building out enough renewable energy. That’s what Evergy, the second largest electric utility in Missouri, announced when it filed its Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) with state regulators yesterday.
press-lee Tue, 2024-04-02 11:46
Deadly Kingston Coal Plant to Be Retired
NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Today, after years of dedicated community advocacy and activism, the Tennessee Valley Authority finalized its plan to retire the 1,700-megawatt Kingston coal plant in Roane County, Tenn. The federal utility issued the final decision to decommission all nine units in 2027. This is the 382nd coal plant to announce a retirement since the start of Sierra Club’s Beyond Coal Campaign. 
program-carolyn Tue, 2024-04-02 10:07
Advocates File Complaint to Challenge Southwest Power Pool’s Discriminatory Renewable Energy Accreditation
Washington, D.C.: Last Friday, the Sierra Club, Natural Resources Defense Council, and Sustainable FERC Project filed a protest challenging Southwest Power Pool’s (SPP) proposed capacity accreditation methodologies, arguing they threaten reliability by ignoring the facts of fossil fuel underperforming and renewables overperforming when power is needed most. Additionally, the groups filed a Federal Power Act Section 206 complaint challenging the existing accreditation methodologies for those resources that SPP is trying to replace.
press-lee Mon, 2024-04-01 06:51
Environmental Groups Secure Historic Settlement to Restore West Virginia Streams Harmed by Coal Mining Pollution
In a landmark victory, the Sierra Club, the West Virginia Rivers Coalition, and the West Virginia Highlands Conservancy have reached an agreement with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to address the longstanding issue of ionic toxicity pollution in West Virginia streams caused by coal mining.
press-jessica Fri, 2024-03-29 08:35
Southwest Power Pool Again Proposes Discriminatory Renewable Energy Accreditation
Washington, D.C.: The Southwest Power Pool (SPP), once again, submitted a discriminatory accreditation plan with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). SPP was required to go back to the drawing board following a challenge by environmental advocates last year who challenged the unfair treatment of renewable energy. 
press-lee Mon, 2024-02-26 09:04
Commission Approves APS Rate Hike Spelling Higher Bills for Ratepayers
PHOENIX, AZ – Today in a 4 to 1 vote, the Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC) approved Arizona Public Service's (APS) proposal to raise its rates and burden ratepayers with higher electricity bills, enabling APS to double down on coal and gas. The rate increase will bolster APS shareholder profits while prolonging operation of the utility’s outdated Four Corners Generating Station despite cheaper clean energy alternatives. Commissioner Tovar was the sole dissenting vote.
press-amy Fri, 2024-02-23 08:41
Two Coal Plant Retirements Mark Big Step Forward for Louisiana
NEW ORLEANS, La. — After years of dedicated work, clean air advocates in Louisiana scored a victory with the approved retirements of two large coal-fired power plants. Yesterday, the Louisiana Public Service Commission voted to approve Entergy Louisiana’s long-range energy plan, known as an Integrated Resource Plan. The IRP includes the retirements of Big Cajun 2 Unit 3 in 2025 and RS Nelson Unit 6 in 2028. These are the 378th and 379th coal plants to announce a retirement since the start of Sierra Club’s Beyond Coal Campaign. 
program-carolyn Wed, 2024-02-21 08:12