Press Releases

DULUTH, MN -- Earlier today, Minnesota Power announced its “vision for 100 percent carbon-free energy by 2050,” in advance of the utility’s integrated resource plan (IRP) due to the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission (PUC) by February 1, 2021.
Atlanta, GA -- Last week, the Sierra Club continued its legal battle in Sierra Club v. Georgia Public Service Commission and Georgia Power Company over Georgia Power’s 2019 rate case. Specifically, appealing coal ash recovery costs to the Georgia Court of Appeals.
Under growing pressure from state regulators, the governor and thousands of customers, Dominion Energy has agreed to a six-month pause on its request for a 7.8% electricity rate increase, which would have raised the average residential bill by $10 a month.
On the last day of 2020, the Office of Budget and Management approved an extreme anti-science rule first proposed by disgraced former EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt, which was designed to prevent peer-reviewed medical studies from being included in future rulemakings to protect public health.
Dominion Energy South Carolina must do a comprehensive coal fleet retirement analysis and assess replacement of the plants, and it must be completed before the utility makes decisions about spending customers’ money to retrofit the Williams and Wateree plants to comply with federal rules meant to protect waterways from mercury, arsenic, and other pollutants from coal plant wastewater.
Former coal lobbyist and EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler finalized his decision to maintain the insufficient ground level ozone standard of 70 parts per billion, despite the scientific consensus that it is not strong enough to protect the most vulnerable communities.
Last night, the Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC) voted 3-2 to approve a rate increase for Tucson Electric Power (TEP) to reimburse the utility for the high cost to operate gas and coal-fired power plants. Starting on January 1, 2021, TEP customers will see their electric bills increase -- at a time when people are already struggling to afford essential services due to the impacts of COVID-19. According to TEP, average monthly bills of residential customers with typical usage on TEP’s Basic pricing plan will increase approximately $5.20, compared to 2020 bills.
Richmond, VA -- Today, the Virginia State Corporation Commission issued an order that creates a recovery mechanism for a new energy assistance program for low-income Virginians known as the Percentage of Income Payment Program, or “PIPP.” The PIPP program was included as a provision in the Virginia Clean Economy Act earlier this year with the express goal of lowering the cost of utility bills for lower-income ratepayers.  The Commission’s order leaves open crucial elements of the PIPP program, such as the size and scope of energy reduction programs and the role of electrification.
On Friday, the Oregon Public Utility Commission denied PacifiCorp the ability to charge its customers for capital expenditures at its Jim Bridger coal plant, ruling that the utility failed to consider more affordable strategies for complying with the federal Clean Air Act, including retiring the plant. Pacific Power customers in Oregon will see a 1.6 percent decrease in their monthly rates as of Jan. 1, 2021 due in part to these avoided costs.
INDIANA, PA -- On Friday, the Sierra Club, PennFuture, and the Clean Air Council filed suit under the Clean Air Act to challenge the Environmental Protection Agency’s approval of Pennsylvania’s inadequate plan to address unhealthy air quality under the federal National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) for sulfur dioxide (SO2) limits.