OMAHA, NE -Today, a coalition of environmental organizations filed a notice of intent (NOI) to sue the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) because it has failed to enforce the Regional Haze Rule as required by the Clean Air Act.
Press Releases
St. Louis, MO - Today, a coalition of environmental organizations filed a notice of intent (NOI) to sue the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) because it has failed to enforce the Regional Haze Rule as required by the Clean Air Act. The Regional Haze Rule is designed to protect our national parks and wilderness areas from fossil fuel and other sources of pollution that reduce visibility. Enforcing the Clean Air Act will restore the air in our country’s most iconic parks, and return those wild places to natural visibility.
New Orleans, LA - Today, a coalition of environmental organizations filed a notice of intent (NOI) to sue the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) because it has failed to enforce the Regional Haze Rule as required by the Clean Air Act. The Regional Haze Rule is designed to protect our national parks and wilderness areas from fossil fuel and other sources of pollution that reduce visibility. Enforcing the Clean Air Act will restore the air in our country’s most iconic parks, and return those wild places to natural visibility.
Thirty-nine states failed to submit pollution reduction plans to the Environmental Protection Agency
Washington, DC - Today, a coalition of environmental organizations filed a notice of intent (NOI) to sue the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) because it has failed to enforce the Regional Haze Rule as required by the Clean Air Act. The Regional Haze Rule is designed to protect our national parks and wilderness areas from fossil fuel and other sources of pollution that reduce visibility. Enforcing the Clean Air Act will restore the air in our country’s most iconic parks, and return those wild places to natural visibility.
Una comisión senatorial de Virginia, liderada por demócratas, elimino la nominación del ex cabildero carbonero Andrew Wheeler para liderar la Secretaría de Recursos Ambientales y Culturales del estado.
A Virginia State Senate committee, led by Democrats, removed Governor Youngkin’s nomination of former coal lobbyist Andrew Wheeler as Secretary of Natural and Historic Resources from consideration.
On Monday, Jan 31st, Detroit activists, environmental advocates, and energy experts hosted a virtual press event highlighting energy burden and racial disparity concerns in Detroit. As part of an ongoing campaign to educate the public, connect people with resources, and call attention to what energy burden looks like in Detroit, several billboards have been placed around the city. While these billboards will soon be coming down, work around this issue will continue; Earlier this month, a settlement agreement was made between DTE and advocates which will result in more resources available for low-income households and high-need communities.
La Agencia de Protección Ambiental (EPA) anunció hoy una propuesta para revertir la decisión de la administración Trump de eliminar resultados “apropiados y necesarios” para regular el mercurio y otros compuestos peligrosos procedentes de las plantas térmicas de carbón.
WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today, President Biden’s EPA announced a proposal to reverse the Trump Administration’s decision eliminating the “appropriate and necessary” finding for regulating mercury and other hazardous air pollution from power plants. The move comes after an executive order signed by President Biden last year to review the Trump-era rollback and develop a new proposal.
On Monday, January 31, 2022 at 11:00 AM Detroit activists, environmental advocates, and energy experts will come together to host a virtual press event highlighting energy burden and racial disparity concerns in Detroit. As part of an ongoing campaign to educate the public, connect people with resources, and call attention to what energy burden looks like in Detroit, several billboards have been placed around the city.