Help Create a Clean Energy Future in Colorado Springs

iStock / David Crane

The Colorado Springs Utilities Board of Directors (AKA City Council) will vote on June 26 to determine the final Electric Integrated Resource Plan for Colorado Springs. This is our last chance to make sure the Board votes for a plan that will move Colorado Springs away from coal and gas plants that are polluting the community and costing ratepayers lots of money.

On June 3, the Utilities Policy Advisory Committee voted to recommend energy plan #16 to the Board that would replace 400 megawatts of coal at Colorado Springs’ two coal plants, Drake and Nixon, with 500 megawatts of new gas plants. This means Colorado Springs would actually have more fossil fuels in 2030 than we do now in 2020. We can’t let this happen!

Here’s what we like about energy plan #17!

  1. It retires the Drake coal plant by 2023 and the Nixon coal plant by 2030

  2. It does not build a new gas plant that would pollute the region for decades

  3. It invests in state-of-the-art, clean technology like battery storage, wind, and solar

  4. It is financially responsible

For more information about what’s in energy plan #17, check out slide page 83 here.

Here’s what you can do to advocate for more clean energy in plan #17!

1) Call these Board members and let them know you want no new gas plants!

At-large: Bill Murray, (719) 385-5485

At-large: Tom Strand, (719) 385-5486

District 2: David Geislinger, (719) 385-5493

District 5: Jill Gaebler, (719) 385-5483

2) Email the CSU Board members!

Follow this link to email city council members in their role as the Colorado Springs Utilities Board.

3) Volunteer remotely with us this month! 

Send me an email at if you have an hour or two to help out from home this month!

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