Andrew Wheeler’s First 100 Days at the EPA, by the Numbers

In his first 100 days in office, former coal lobbyist and Acting Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Andrew Wheeler has spared no time in gutting bedrock clean air, clean water, and public health safeguards. He got off to a terrible start. During his first week in office, Wheeler rolled back protections for coal ash, putting public health in danger and opening the door for more toxic pollution to be dumped into our waterways. He’s followed the same pattern since then.

In fact, we did the math: Wheeler has acted against protecting public health, clean air, and a safe climate, on average, once every three days. That means every three days he rolls back a new climate safeguard, ignores and contradicts science, meets with big polluters, limits the EPA’s ability to protect us from pollution, or gives in to corporate polluters’ demands. Every three days, our public health is put more at risk.

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